AT FIVE STRONG PHYSICAL THERAPY, Judy Noteboom is a highly skilled, manual physical therapist who has treated patients with a variety of injuries and physical conditions for over 25 years.
One of only four Stecco Certified Fascial Manipulation Specialists
in the U.S., Judy is the only practitioner in the state of Colorado who has
completed all of the courses offered by the Fascial Manipulation Association. This technique looks at the body as a whole, not just where it hurts. Fascial Manipulation originated in Italy by Luigi Stecco, PT, and is rapidly becoming the most well researched and validated manual medicine
technique available. Ms. Noteboom also has a Mastery Certification in Manual Therapy and helps patients with both acute and chronic conditions return to their normal activities of daily living.

Judy Noteboom
Certified Lymphedema Therapist, CLT
Mastery Certification in Manual Therapy, MCMT
Certified Fascial Manipulation Specialist,CFMS
Also certified in Complete Decongestive Therapy, consisting of Manual Lymph Drainage, Multi-Layer Bandaging, fitting of Compression Stockings/Garments, Skin Care and Exercises.